I haven't blogged in a while and its not because we haven't had anything going on in our adoption world...honestly we have. The reason I didn't blog about what we were going thru was because it was happening so fast and changing everyday that I myself had trouble keeping up. Bottom line, in the last few months we have had two adoption opportunities that fell through. Both kids were from Knoxville, TN and it was two complete circumstances. They both would've been private adoptions that we found out through word of mouth. I'm not going into any juicy details that everyone is wanting, but I will say that we are okay with not adopting either of these kids. The first child was due in March, and the second child will be 11 months this April. Thankful both adoption opportunities fell through before we got financially and emotionally involved. There is a lot to learn about the adoption process and it's not easy. The last adoption opportunity actually did get close and we really thought the little girl (both were girls) was going to be ours. It got so close in fact we picked out cute girl baby bedding, I cleaned out my bosses house (THANKS AARON!!!!), and we had the nursery painted and ready to go...well since it ended up not working out (which we are thankful) I then had to take down and re-pack all the cute girlie things that were bought and return them to the store. It was heart breaking but boy did I learn a lesson (one of many). STICK WITH NEUTRAL EVERYTHING!!!! I do not want to go through that again and won't if I just get everything neutral colors...it's not easy doing this when they are telling you the sex of the child because you can't help but get excited and want to have girl/boy stuff. I have just had to grasp that with adoption...you don't get that luxury.
So where are we now???? We never stopped our process with Covenant Care Services. THANK GOODNESS!! So we are right on track with them. Tonight we filled out our FBI/GBI Clearance paperwork and on Saturday we plan on getting our fingerprints at our Sheriffs office:) After this is done and sent off we will be getting private home studies done over the summer. This August we have our first Covenant Care Meeting and a second one in October. This summer we plan on hanging out, enjoying our time together and focusing on what we need to do and FUNDRAISING!!!!
adoptionbug.com/caputo God has been pouring down His blessings on us and we are feeling uplifted. We are Blessed!
We will have an exciting fall with our meetings and the expected birth of our nephew!!! We have many reasons to smile:)
Our FBI/GBI Clearances Ready to be sent!!!!
I know God has your child picked out and in His timing he/she will be here. Waiting and patience are two wonderful parenting skills so you and Paul will be ahead of the game in that regard.
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